Passing by Clouds

My First Flight Review

It has already been two years since I passed my private pilot check ride. What an amazing journey it has been so far. Almost 150 hours of private pilot adventures have taken place. That’s pretty good considering almost half of the last 24 months, the airplane was down for maintenance and upgrades.  What must every pilot due every 24 months…

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The Gift of Flight

When I write about the gift of flight, I truly do believe that it is a gift. Human ingenuity has created these marvelous flying machines that carry us through the sky. To have the privilege to own and fly one is an honor that I am thankful for every day that I arrive at the airport and roll open the…

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Why SevenTwoQ?

Nothing inspires me more than experiencing the gift of flight. What better way to represent the source of my inspiration than by honoring the very airplane that I fly? N3872Q is a 1971 Cessna 172L. My flying partner and I call her “Dorothy”. She is as much a part of our family as any real person, for a number of…

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Me and Dorothy


In 2016, I was thrown head first into the world of aviation, and I have never really righted myself ever since. After graduating college with my shiny new bachelor’s degree, I found myself working a job at the front counter of a local aviation history museum. I knew very little about airplanes and their history, but it did not take…

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